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Etusivu Ajankohtaista Tiedotteet DG GROW Seeks Feedback on Proposed Tariff Suspensions

DG GROW Seeks Feed­back on Pro­po­sed Ta­riff Sus­pen­sions

The European Commission's DG GROW has contacted stakeholders to gather input on proposed tariff suspensions for products classified under CN codes 84 and 85. Stakeholders are invited to review the list of goods under consideration and submit comments or objections by April 25th. This outreach underscores the EU's commitment to transparency and stakeholder engagement in trade policy decisions.

More information on each good for which a tariff suspension is being considered can be found at the following link.

CN codeDescriptionPublic Comments
8407 33 80Twin cy­lin­der, four stro­ke in­ter­nal com­bus­tion spark-​ignition en­gi­ne with a cy­lin­der ca­paci­ty not exceeding 1000 cm3,
 with ove­rall di­men­sions of not more than: 450 mm (length) x 470 mm (width) x 600 mm (height),
–    a power of 40 kW or more but not more than 86 kW,
–    whether or not equip­ped with single over­head cam and  star­ter, spark plug wires, fuel rail, and in­jec­tors
[for use in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of all-​terrain or uti­li­ty task ve­hicles](1)
Round 2025/1 used in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of ve­hicles
8407 33 80Single cy­lin­der, four stro­ke in­ter­nal com­bus­tion spark-​ignition en­gi­ne with a cy­lin­der ca­paci­ty not exceeding 570 cm3,
–    with ove­rall di­men­sions of not more than: 390 mm (length) x 490 mm (width) x 590 mm (height),
–    a power of 22 kW or more but not more than 35 kW,
–    equip­ped with out­put shaft ha­ving an end dia­me­ter of 30 mm and a taper of 6 degrees (+/- 1 degree),
–    whether or not equip­ped with  star­ter, th­rott­le body, spark plug wire, fuel rail and in­jec­tor
[for use in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of all-​terrain or uti­li­ty task ve­hicles](1)
Round 2025/1 used in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of ve­hicles
8407 34 91Dual cy­lin­der, four stro­ke in­ter­nal com­bus­tion spark-​ignition en­gi­ne with a cy­lin­der ca­paci­ty of 1000 cm3 or more but not more than 1250 cm3,
–    with ove­rall di­men­sions of not more than: 700 mm (length) x 430 mm (width) x 610 mm (height),
–    a power of 60 kW or more but not more than 110 kW,
–    whether or not equip­ped with a star­ter, out­fit­ted with a th­rott­le body, two or more fuel in­jec­tors, a sta­tor
[for use in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of mo­torcycle bikes]
Round 2025/1 used for ma­nu­fac­tu­re of On-​Road Mo­torcycles.
8407 34 99Dual cy­lin­der, air coo­led, four stro­ke 49 degree V-​twin in­ter­nal com­bus­tion spark-​ignition en­gi­ne with a cy­lin­der ca­paci­ty exceeding 1800 cm3:
–    with ove­rall di­men­sions of not more than: 800 mm (length) x 500 mm (width) x 600 mm (height),
–    a power of 60 kW or more but not more than 75 kW,
–    equip­ped with a semi-​dry oil sump,
–    whether or not equip­ped with a star­ter, out­fit­ted with a th­rott­le body, two or more fuel in­jec­tors, a sta­tor
[for use in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of mo­torcycle bikes]
Round 2025/1 used for pro­duc­tion of On-​Road Mo­torcycles.
8409 99 00Die cast alu­mi­num housing for elect­ro­nic th­rott­le cont­rol or exhaust gas recircu­la­tion sys­tems: 
–    high pressure-​casted of EN AC-46000 alu­mi­num, 
–    shot-​blasted and mac­hi­ned, 
–    of air tight­ness of 2 g/h at 20 °C under 2,5 bar re­la­ti­ve pres­su­re, 
–    with a height of 100 mm or more , but not more than 135 mm, 
–    with a width of 115 mm or more, but not more than 150 mm, 
–    with a weight of 210 g or more, but not more than 465 g 
Round 2025/1 Used in car pro­duc­tion
8419 50 80Alu­mi­num heat exchanger for gas boi­lers de­sig­ned for high­ly ef­ficient heat trans­fer:
–    with a height of 100 mm or more, but no more than 120 mm,
–    with a length of 235 mm, but no more than 280 mm,
–    with 250 mm or more in width, but no more than 280 mm,
–    for a power out­put of 25 kW but no more than 35 kW,
–    a weight of 8 kg or more, but no more than 10 kg
Round 2025/01 Com­po­nents for the ener­gy in­dustry.
8479 89 97In­te­gra­ted au­to­ma­ted turn­key mac­hi­ne­ry line for the comple­te ma­nu­fac­tu­ring of sodium-​ion bat­te­ries, from slur­ry mixing th­rough to bat­te­ry pac­ka­ging, inclu­ding, in par­ticu­lar, mac­hi­nes for coa­ting and ca­len­de­ring of strips, cell as­sembly and their elect­rical for­ma­tionRound 2025/01. for ma­nu­fac­tu­ring of sodium-​ion bat­te­ries.
8481 80 99So­le­noid valve of con­ti­nuo­us va­riable valve ti­ming sys­tem of com­bus­tion en­gi­ne for oil flow cont­rol accor­ding to en­gi­ne speed and load:
–    in metal cover,
–    with elect­rical con­nec­tor,
–    with a force of not more than 10 N,
–    with an ope­ra­ting vol­ta­ge of 9 VDC or more but not more than 16 VDC
–    with a length of 80 mm but not more than 110 mm,
–    with a width of 80 mm but not more than 110 mm,
–    with a height of 20 mm but not more than 30 mm
for use in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of en­gi­nes of motor ve­hicles(1)
Round 2025/1 for use in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of en­gi­nes of motor ve­hicles
8483 10 95Step­ped shaft made of car­bon steel with: 
–    rol­led, in­vo­lu­te pro­fi­led, spli­ned shaft end, the helix angle of which is at least 0°15,5’ but not more than 0° 21,5’
–    a lar­gest dia­me­ter of 16 mm or more but not more than 18 mm
–    a length of 137 mm or more, but not more than 155 mm
–    a weight of 0,12 kg or more but not more than 0,28 kg
Round 2025/1 used for pro­duc­tion of air-​conditioning compres­sor
8483 90 89Hub gear made of cold rol­led car­bon steel (per ASTM A1008), mol­ded into the plas­tic and pres­sed on pi­nion, with:
–    an outer dia­me­ter of 81,2 mm or more, but not more than 82,55 mm,
–    an inner dia­me­ter of 25,9 mm or more, but not more than 25,97 mm,
–    a height of the lower side of inner dia­me­ter of 11,63 mm or more, but not more than 12,13 mm,
–    a height of the upper side of inner dia­me­ter of 3,25 mm or more, but not more than 3,5 mm,
–    an ove­rall height of 11,63 mm or more, but not more than 19,5 mm
for use in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of ve­hicle’s stee­ring sys­tem
Round 2025/1 used in car pro­duc­tion
8503 00 99Pres­su­re cas­ted sta­tor housing of an elect­ric motor:
–    of EN AC-46000 alu­mi­num,
–    shot-​blasted and mac­hi­ned,
–    leak­proof to the degree of 2 g per hour or less under 2,5 bar pres­su­re,
–    with an HBW of 60 or more (2,5/62,5, accor­ding to ISO 6506),
–    with a ten­si­le strength of 240 N/mm2 or more,
–    with a height of 70 mm or more, but not more than 76 mm,
–    with a width of 155 mm, but not more than 162 mm,
–    with a weight of 330 g or more but not more than 360 g
Round 2025/1 used for motor pro­duc­tion
8503 00 99Pres­su­re cas­ted rotor front plate or cover of an elect­ric su­perc­har­ger:
–    of EN AC-46000 alu­mi­num,
–    shot-​blasted and mac­hi­ned,
–     leak­proof to the degree of 2 g per hour or less under 2,5 bar pres­su­re,
–    with an HBW of 60 or more (2,5/62,5, accor­ding to ISO 6506),
–    with a ten­si­le strength of 240 N/mm2 or more,
–    with a height of 22 mm or more , but not more than 26 mm,
–    with a dia­me­ter of 128 mm or more, but not more than 136 mm,
–    with a weight of 220 g or more, but not more than 250 g
Round 2025/1 used for en­gi­ne pro­duc­tion
8505 11 10Magnetized upper rotor made with steel stack accor­ding to stan­dards ASTM A677-07 grade 47F180 or JIS C 2552 Grade 50A310, with:
–    twelve per­ma­nent mag­nets made with neodymium-​iron-​boron (per MMPA 0100), enclo­sed in stam­ped steel stack ring,
–    a re­si­dual in­duc­tion value 1.21 T or more, but not more than 1.32 T, mea­su­red in 25 Degree Cel­sius,
–    an inner dia­me­ter of 22,735 mm or more, but no more than 22,835 mm,
–    an outer dia­me­ter of 30,725 mm or more, but no more than 38,025 mm,
for use in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of ve­hicle’s stee­ring sys­tem
Round 2025/1 for use in car pro­duc­tion
8536 41 90Power relay with the func­tion of sa­fe­ly con­nec­ting or discon­nec­ting the char­ging and/or power circuit of 48V bat­te­ries in a plas­tic case, con­tai­ning: 
–    cur­rent sen­sor 50A/400V
–    high vol­ta­ge MILD fuse 70V/300A,
–    whether or not cable with con­nec­tor,
for use in the pro­duc­tion of rec­har­geable bat­te­ries for hy­brid and elect­ric ve­hicles
Round 2025/1 for use in the pro­duc­tion of rec­har­geable bat­te­ries for hy­brid and elect­ric ve­hicles
8538 90 99LTE an­ten­na for ve­hicle emer­gency call sys­tem:
–    with an ope­ra­ting di­rect cur­rent vol­ta­ge of 4 V or more but not more than 16 V,
–    in a plas­tic housing,
–    with moun­ting brac­kets
–    whether or not with a cable with a con­nec­tor,
for use in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of motor ve­hicles
Round 2025/1 used in the ma­nu­fac­tu­re of motor ve­hicles

Background on ta­riff sus­pen­sions

  • In cases where there are no or not enough raw materials or intermediate products within the EU or in Turkey needed for industrial production, companies can apply for reduced duty or exemption from duty for them. 
  • Tariff suspensions refer to total or partial waiver of the normal duties applied by the EU. 
  • A suspension can be granted for raw materials, semi finished goods and components used for industrial production, if they are not available within the EU.
  • If the above-mentioned goods are available within the Union, but there is not enough of them, an autonomous tariff quota can be granted for the missing quantity.
  • To apply for a tariff suspension, individual companies have to submit an application to National Customs Authorities (NCAs). 
  • Those applications that meet certain requirements are forwarded by NCAs to the European Commission
  • The applications are processed by the Economic Tariff Questions Group (ETQG), which has delegates from the Commission and from all Member States.
  • Tariff suspensions and autonomous tariff quotas are applied for and processed twice a year. The requests must be submitted to the Commission at the latest on 15 March for implementation on 1 January the following year 15 September for implementation on 1 July the following year.

Please provide feedback on the list to Akseli Koskela (contact information down below) by Thursday the 25th of April COB.

Con­tact In­for­ma­tion: