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Etusivu Membership Apply for Membership

Apply for Membership

Applications will be resolved by the Board of Directors of Technology Industries of Finland (TIF), which meets four times a year. The membership application is specific to each applicant company (Each having its own company ID in the Trade Register of Finland).

When applying for membership, the company undertakes to comply with the rules of Technology Industries of Finland and The Confederation of Finnish Industries. Read the rules before submitting your application. 

Please read the rules of Technology Industries of Finland before submitting your application. 

Päivitetty 05.09.2024 klo 14:05

This Information is Required in the Application

  • Company reg. ID in the Trade Register of Finland
  • Legal name of the company
  • Email address of the person authorized to sign on behalf of the company
  • Email address of the person filling in the application
  • Street address of the company's headquarters in Finland
    • mail address only if it differs from the street address
    • billing address if it differs from the mail address
  • Company form, choose one: Private limited company, Public limited company, General partnership, Limited partnership, Foundation, Association, Branch.
  • Number of employees and turnover from the most recent financial statements or an estimate thereof if financial statements don’t exist yet.
  • The CEO or Country Manager in Finland, basic information and phone number.
  • Contact person providing information annually as a basis for the membership fee calculation, contact information and phone number.

Please have the information ready when you're filling out the application. The browser session expires after half an hour.

Application Process

Processing of the application begins after the application has been signed. After the successful signing of the membership application, you will receive a message from the membership administration containing your own copy of the signed application.

Your application should reach our office about three weeks before the next Board meeting, so that our advisors have time to meet with you before your application is discussed at the meeting. The meeting with our advisors will take normally 1-1,5 hours.

Signing the Application

The application can only be signed by a person who has the authority to sign on behalf of the company. Signing is done electronically and Finnish online banking codes are used for identification. The signatory rights to sign the application is checked from the Finnish Trade Register during the electronic signature process.

If there are two signatories, fill in the email address of the first of them. The signing process will automatically send the first signing invitation.

Once the signature is approved, the first signatory will receive a confirmation and a request to forward the email to the second signatory of the company.

The signing process will send you a new message once both signatures have been approved.

If your company cannot submit an electronic membership application, please complete the application and report the problem to our membership administration:

Application Assessment

When processing a membership application, the following matters will be assessed:

  1. Company has activity in one or more main industry of TIF.
    This means that company’s own acitivities are in the field of TIF. For example, advertising agency serving technology company is not eligible but product design company serving technology company is eligible.
  2. Company may have activities in several industries also outside TIF industries and member in some other employer association with regards to these other industries.
  3. Employs persons in Finland
    E.g. not one person entrepreneur, but two employees is enough, rented personnel is not counted.
  4. Takes care of social and corporate responbilities.
    E.g. pays tax, follows laws & regulations, takes good care of its employees and environment.
  5. Readiness to follow the rules and decisions of TIF.

Notification of the Decision and Commencement of Membership

The next meeting dates of Technology Industries of Finland’s Board of Directors: 

  • October 9, 2024

We will inform you of the Board’s decision by email within a week of the meeting.

The membership of a company approved as a member begins on the day of the meeting of the Board of Directors. The calculation of the membership fee begins on the first day of the following month.

In the administrative matters of membership (joining, resigning, providing annual information, membership fees) please contact