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Technology Industries of Finland Membership Fee for 2024

Members pay an annual membership fee, which is determined for one calendar year at a time at the Association’s autumn meeting. The membership fee is based on the member company’s payroll in Finland, including fringe benefits.

Members are obliged to provide the Association with annual information on the number of employees, membership fee criteria, and other information on their operations in accordance with Association guidelines. The information provided is kept confidential.

Päivitetty 05.09.2024 klo 14:02

The annual survey affecting the membership fee has ended. Membership fees are invoiced at the end of May. The due date for the membership fee invoice for 2024 is 30.6.2024. 

Questions related to the membership fee invoices can be sent to our member administration:

The meeting on the 15th of November 2023 decided on the membership fee for 2024 as follows:

  • The membership fee is based on the salary amount paid by the member company in Finland (with fringe benefits)
  • The membership fee is 0.07% of the previous calendar year's salary amount, including fringe benefits. The minimum membership fee is 500 euros. The membership fee of an individual member is maximum 10% of the entire membership fee collection
  • The membership fee will be reduced for each member who has joined the Technology Industry Employers of Finland employer association (Teknologiateollisuuden työnantajat ry) by an amount corresponding to the membership fee of the employer association
  • If, despite reminders, the member does not report the salary by the end of April 2024, and it cannot otherwise be determined with reasonable accuracy, the member's salary is assumed to be the previous year's salary increased by 10%. The membership fee charged based on the assumed amount will not be refunded afterwards, even if it later turns out that the actual wage amount was lower than assumed. If it turns out that the correct salary amount was higher than the assumed amount, the difference corresponding to this deviation can also be collected from the member afterwards
  • The membership fee will be payable by June 30, 2024
  • The membership fee for Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK)  is not charged from the members
  • Member associations are not charged a membership fee.

In addition

During the first and last years of membership, the membership fee will be charged only for the full calendar months during which the membership has been valid.

Remember to notify us of any changes in contact persons.

The membership fee in 2024 is the same regardless of whether the company is a member of Technology Industries of Finland only or in addition of Technology Industry Employers of Finland.